
A researcher holds two White's seahorses before releasing them into Sydney Harbor.

Scientists Release Record-Breaking Number of Baby Seahorses Into Sydney Harbor

The team installed eight new “seahorse hotels,” which will provide much-needed homes for the endangered animals

Researchers caught and tagged a 13-foot-long female sawfish off the coast of Cedar Key, Florida, in June.

13-Foot Endangered Sawfish Spotted in Northern Florida Hints at a 'Slow Recovery'

Scientists tagged the rare animal farther north than any such fish in decades, suggesting the species is returning to areas it once lived

Trub, a leftover of the brewing process, could be key to scientists’ quest to develop a cheap, effective artificial scent guide for hatchery-raised salmon.

How Far Will Salmon Swim for a Craft Beer?

Researchers in Oregon hope a surprising aroma will lure stray fish back to their home hatcheries

A sea lamprey

Bloodsucking Sea Lampreys Made a Comeback in the Great Lakes During Covid

Travel restrictions hindered population control of the invasive parasites, which feed on fish like trout, whitefish, perch and sturgeon

Analyzing DNA found in the water off Greenland, researchers have found the signs of species on the move.

The Atlantification of the Arctic Ocean is Underway

The discovery of a tiny fish far from its normal range is a poignant reminder of the changes that are already happening

Blacktip reef sharks are one of five common species of reef sharks that are disappearing.

Reef Sharks Are Disappearing Around the World

A massive new study found a staggering decline of these top predators, which help balance vulnerable coral reef ecosystems and their food chains

Thousands of dead fish—most of them Gulf menhaden—washed up on the beaches of Brazoria County in Texas.

Why Thousands of Dead Fish Washed Ashore in Texas

Conditions created a "perfect storm" that robbed the water of dissolved oxygen near the coast

Alessandro Biancardi says he caught the biggest catfish he'd ever seen in his 23 years as a professional fisherman.

Fisherman Reels in 'Monster' Nine-Foot Catfish in Italy

The behemoth, found in the Po River, may have set a world record for the longest catch-and-release catfish

The Canary Islands are a hotspot for critically endangered angelsharks (Squatina squatina), perhaps lured by the artificial beaches that provide safe havens for juveniles.

This Engineered Beach Is Good for Endangered Sharks and Tourists

In the Canary Islands, angel sharks and humans are attracted to the same habitat which, for once, isn’t bad for the wildlife

View of the Skagit River, with the Diablo Dam (completed in 1930) visible

On This Disputed River, Progress May Mean a Return to the Past

Winding through British Columbia and Washington, the Skagit has a history that reflects competing conceptions of advancement

Lost fishing gear can continue to catch and ensnare prey, a destructive outcome called ghost fishing.

The Pioneering Project Paying for Ghost Fishing Gear

A new program is rewarding shrimpers who collect and recycle derelict crab traps

The bathysphere on deck of the Ready, 1930-1934, from Bathysphere and Nonsuch

Inside the First Deep-Sea Dive in History

In 1930, a colorful band of researchers in the Atlantic taught us how to plumb the ocean’s depths

Scalloped hammerhead sharks off the Kona coast of the Big Island of Hawaii

Hammerhead Sharks Can 'Hold Their Breath,' A First for Fish

The sharks close their gills to stay warm while hunting in deep, frigid waters, new research suggests

Silver carp throw themselves into the air at the sound of passing boats.

Seven Wild Ways Scientists Are Trying to Stop Invasive Carp

Researchers and local officials are using unusual methods to keep invasive carp from intruding into the Great Lakes and other waterways

The eruption of a volcano on Spain’s La Palma island took a toll on nearby fish.

The Gruesome Ways Volcanoes Kill Fish

Whether the eruption is underwater or on land, the creatures don’t have an easy time dealing with nature’s fury

A group of snailfish swims between 7,500 and 8,200 meters below sea level. The deepest fish was filmed at 8,336 meters under the surface.

Behold the Deepest Fish Ever Filmed

A juvenile snailfish was caught on video more than five miles below sea level in waters south of Japan

Researchers hike near a creek that formed after a glacier retreated.

As Glaciers Retreat, New Streams Offer Homes for Salmon

After the waterways form, insects move in, alders and willows spring up, and spawning fish arrive in thousands

Have any modern animals adapted to human activity through natural selection? 


Have Any Animals Evolved to Adapt to Human Activity?

You’ve got questions. We’ve got experts

Top: The citizen science photo of an alleged juvenile goblin shark found on the beach of Anafi Island in Greece. Bottom: A juvenile female goblin shark found near Shimizu, Japan.

Were Scientists Duped by a Plastic Shark Toy?

Researchers withdrew a report of a rare and elusive goblin shark spotted in Greece after their peers raised concerns about the alleged discovery

Zebrafish experience what's known as "emotional contagion" and react when their peers are afraid.

Fish May Sense Each Other's Fear

Zebrafish respond when their peers act afraid, an ability regulated by the same hormone that drives human empathy, a new study shows

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