Cultural Preservation

Circular earthworks mark the center of the 510-foot-high "spiritual heart of Ireland," now threatened by a seemingly unstoppable four-lane highway.

Ireland’s Endangered Cultural Site

A new tollway threatens the archaeologically rich Hill of Tara that is the spiritual heart of the country

A mysterious bird etched in stone at the ancient aboriginal rock art site in Western Australia.

Dampier Rock Art Complex, Australia

On the northwestern coast of Australia, over 500,000 rock carvings face destruction by industrial development

Pulitzer Prize-winning author N. Scott Momaday operates the Buffalo Trust, a nonprofit organization working to preserve Native cultures.

N. Scott Momaday and the Buffalo Trust

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Kiowa Indian N. Scott Momaday runs a nonprofit organization working to preserve Native cultures

A boy peeks through a doorway that serves as the main entrance of a house.

Save the Casbah

In Algiers, preservationists race to rescue the storied quarter. But is it too late?

The Gullah Geechee perform an ancestral ceremony on Sullivan's Island.

Summertime for Gershwin

In the South, the Gullah struggle to keep their traditions alive


Lads Without Plaids

Kiltless in Scotland: An Action Plan

A 30-foot-high communal meetinghouse, or mudheef, is constructed entirely of the region's ubiquitous marsh reeds, which, woven into majestic arches, support even its elegantly curved roof. "If you go back 4,000 years," one villager 
told the author, "you'll find exactly the same design."

Return to the Marsh

The effort to restore the Marsh Arabs' traditional way of life in southern Iraq—virtually eradicated by Saddam Hussein —faces new threats

Roman museums are among the most elegantly designed of any in the world and its archaeological sites are the most user-friendly.

The Glory That Is Rome

Thanks to renovations of its classical venues, the Eternal City has never looked better

The fate of the Civil War hinged on the battle at South Carolina's Morris Island. If Union forces captured Fort Wagner they could control access to the harbor.

Preservation or Development at Morris Island?

On this site where the nation's legendary African-American fighting force proved its valor in the Civil War, a housing development ignited a debate

"Palermo," says Princess Alliata (in her 15th-century palazzo there), is not like Rome, Venice or Florence, where everything is displayed like goods in a shop window. It's a very secret city."

Sicily Resurgent

Across the island, activists, archaeologists and historians are joining forces to preserve a cultural legacy that has endured for 3,000 years


Rescuing Angkor

An unprecedented effort to reclaim the ancient temples from the Cambodian jungle is racing against a tourist onslaught


Digging Ditches

Narrow, humble irrigation ditches called acequias sustain an endangered way of life but for how long?


The Leaning Tower Straightens Up

In Pisa the tilted one is back in business after an 11-year effort to keep it from collapsing


Where Echoes of Spirits Still Dwell

Over a period of ten years, a photographer has documented the vanishing cultures of the Stone Age tribes of New Guinea


The Suyá Sing and Dance and Fight For a Culture in Peril

For 25 years, anthropologist Tony Seeger has documented the music of Brazil's Suyá and he now leads the effort to protect their rights


Around the Mall & Beyond

Protecting museum treasures - paintings by the masters, the delicate wings of a tropical beetle - requires the strictest climate control, right?

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