

A Light, Quick, Killing Machine

Burmese python

CSI Action Is for the Birds - and Pythons


Hearts Afire Flamingo Style


Parrots Before Penguins


Hatching a New Idea

Electronic eggs hatch new insights into breeding exotic birds at the National Zoo


Masters of the Storm

Kennedy Warne, author of "The Amazing Albatrosses," talks about dangerous waters and albatross love


What's Up

Jim Henson, photojournalist Lola Alvarez Bravo and the heaviest bird that can fly

Birds Inspire Pine Growth

Cowbirds (a male, above) "are more highly evolved than we previously thought," says Jeff Hoover.

Wiseguys with Wings

"Mafia" cowbirds muscle warblers into raising their young

For The Birds

"No one ever found any dead vultures," says McGrath. "There were simply less and less of them."

Fantastically Repulsive

In this interview, Susan McGrath, author of "The Vanishing," describes getting up close and personal with vultures

In the past decade or so, over 95 percent of India's vultures have died.

Soaring Hopes

The first two Asian vultures breed in captivity


God Save the... Ravens

Trumpeter Swan, John James Audubon, 1838.

John James Audubon: America's Rare Bird

The foreign-born frontiersman became one of the 19th century's greatest wildlife artists and a hero of the ecology movement

California Condor at San Diego Zoo

Becoming a Full-Fledged Condor

The California condor learns from people, other condors and the school of hard knocks

Kakapos eat many fruits but particularly enjoy rimu fruit, which seems to encourage breeding.

Going to Extremes

Without the extraordinary dedication of a few conservationists, New Zealand's kakapo would likely have gone the way of the dodo


In Search of Sanctuary

As its Florida habitat disappears, the American wood stork, our largest wading bird, is migrating northward to new nesting grounds


So Tiny, So Sweet...So Mean

If hummingbirds were as big as ravens, it probably wouldn't be safe to go for a walk in the woods


Nightjars Are Everywhere, But Just Try Finding One

Catching a glimpse of these night-loving birds, which include the whip-poor-will, challenges even the most avid bird-watcher


Night Belongs to the Kiwi

It may look fuzzy and adorable but this New Zealand bird is one tough customer

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