Artificial Intelligence

Autonomous cars aren’t smarter than this.

How Understanding Animals Can Help Us Make the Most of Artificial Intelligence

A former animal trainer explains how we might usefully think about the limitations of artificial intelligence systems

Israeli company Intuition Robotics developed a talking device named ElliQ, now being tested by older adults.

How Will Artificial Intelligence Help the Aging?

The key, researchers say, is finding the right roles for machines

Are "Education Genes" on the Decline?

People in Iceland with genes associated with educational attainment are having fewer children, which may be affecting the population's smarts

Chinese researchers have harnessed the power of deep learning to help doctors identify this rare disease.

Can Eagle-Eyed Artificial Intelligence Help Prevent Children From Going Blind?

Deep learning pinpoints cataracts more accurately than humans, and could help prevent this form of vision loss in children

Robo-Dermatologist Diagnoses Skin Cancer With Expert Accuracy

A neural network can recognize and categorize skin lesions as well as MDs and may lead to a cancer-screening mobile app

Listen to This Holly, Jolly (and a Little Creepy) A.I.-Penned Christmas Song

A neural network at the University of Toronto wrote a holiday ditty based on an image of a Christmas tree

Why Artificial Intelligence Won’t Replace CEOs

An MBA’s instinct is increasingly vital in the age of information overload

How Many Comedy Writers Does It Take to Help A.I. Tell a Funnier Joke?

Jokesters from Pixar and <i>the Onion</i> are on the case to make artificial intelligence seem more human

From top left, clockwise: male orangequit; female tungara frog; purple mort bleu butterfly; sunflower; red coral; Galapagos marine iguana

Big Data Just Got Bigger as IBM's Watson Meets the Encyclopedia of Life

An NSF grant marries one of the world's largest online biological archives with IBM's cognitive computing and Georgia Tech's moduling and simulation

Will AI Revolutionize Wall Street?

A handful of new hedge funds promise to beat human traders by using artificial intelligence

This NASA-Developed AI Could Help Save Firefighters' Lives

AUDREY, an artificial intelligence system created by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, helps firefighters navigate through blazes

Eunuchs apply make-up before Raksha Bandhan festival celebrations in a red light area in Mumbai, India, August 17, 2016

New Project Pairs Modern News Photos with Old Masters

"Recognition," winner of Tate's IK Prize, uses machine learning to match artwork with images coming from the 24/7 news cycle

Give Me a Drink, HAL: Artificial Intelligence Helps Design New Beer

IntelligenceX uses AI to guide its brewmaster's tweaks

Kevin Kelly unpacks 12 technological forces in his new book.

<em>Wired</em> Founder Kevin Kelly On the Technologies That Will Dominate Our Future

The optimistic futurist says we'll share more, own less and spend far more time on our devices

Robot librarians might one day help human librarians track down misplaced books.

This Robot Librarian Locates Haphazardly Placed Books

It's the next best thing since the Dewey Decimal System

A Search Engine That Matches Your Drawings to Photographs Isn't Too Far Off

Computer scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a new program that could let you Google your doodles

A scene from "Ice Age" rendered through ta computer algorithm to look like an animated painting.

This Computer Algorithm Transforms Movies Into Breathtaking Works of Art

These neural networks can make any moving image into a masterpiece from Picasso to van Gogh

Xian'er, the robot monk, with its creator, Buddhist monk Master Xianfan.

A Robot Monk Is Spreading Buddhist Teachings in China

An adorable robot serves up automated mantras

An AI-Written Novella Almost Won a Literary Prize

A short novel co-written by humans and AI passed the first round of a Japanese literary contest

Google's New AI Can Beat Human Champions at the Game of Go

Google appears to have won the long race to develop a Go-winning artificial intelligence, considered a major step towards more human-like AIs

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