
This Austrian Ossuary Holds Hundreds of Elaborately Hand-Painted Skulls

Step inside Europe's largest intact collection of painted remains

A Minecraft rendering of the Smithsonian Castle in Washington, D.C. Participants in Minecraft: Education Edition online festivities will be able to let their own imaginations run wild this Museum Day.

Fans of Minecraft Are Sure to Dig this Nationwide Museum Fest

The indie hit is the perfect game for a day devoted to unearthing knowledge

One of the Roman cavalry swords recovered from Vindolanda

Rare Roman Cavalry Swords And Toys Unearthed Along Hadrian's Wall

The newly discovered artifacts are the latest discovery at Vindolanda, once a remote outpost of the Roman empire

Tyler Lyson at the site for the Hadrosaur femur

The Ultimate Summer Camp Activity: Digging for Dinosaurs

Meet the intrepid teenagers and teenagers-at-heart who swelter in the heat hunting for fossils

New Kingdom Goldsmith's Tomb Discovered in Egypt

The tomb of Amenemhat and his wife Amenhotep includes a statue of the couple, mummies, statues and funerary masks

This reconstruction of the grave site shows how the woman may have originally looked.

This High-Ranking Viking Warrior Was a Woman

DNA analysis shows that the elaborate grave of what appears to be a Viking officer was a real-life shieldmaiden

The surprising find was unearthed as part of a community project that invites amateur archeologists to help dig up local history.

Amateur Archaeologists Find ‘Most Exciting’ Roman Mosaic in Britain

The mosaic tells the story of Bellerophon, a mythical hero who defeats the fearsome Chimera

Archaeologists diving off the coast of Nabeul, Tunisia.

Ruins of a Roman City Found Off the Coast of Tunisia

The city destroyed by a 4th-century tsunami is rediscovered

Experiments Show How Neanderthals Made the First Glue

Archaeologists tested three methods the early hominins could have used to get tar from birch bark

The skeletal remains found in a Mexican cave before their looting

Skeleton Stolen From Underwater Cave in Mexico Was One of Americas' Oldest

A new study shows that the human remains looted in 2012 are more than 13,000 years old

A scene from The Peony Pavilion

The Grave of "China's Shakespeare" Has Been Found

One of 42 Ming-era graves unearthed in Fuzhou is believed to belong to Tang Xianzu, who penned 'The Peony Pavilion'

Brawling was one of the few ways available to settle disputes among lower-class Londoners, potentially leading to injuries and deaths

Medieval Graveyards Unearth London’s Violent Past

A new analysis of hundreds of ancient skulls shows how often violent trauma affected the poor and the rich

Metin Eren recreates ancient arrowheads to see how they respond when fired with bows like this

This Lab Replicates Weapons to Reveal Stone Age Feats of Engineering

A Kent State archaeologist is testing the innovative engineering of the Clovis people, one of the earliest communities to inhabit North America

Artists view of Greenwich Palace

Part of Henry VIII's Birthplace Discovered

Workers uncovered two rooms of Greenwich Palace while building a visitors center at the Old Royal Naval College in London

This Pueblo rock carving in New Mexico might represent a remarkable solar eclipse dating back to 1097.

This New Mexico Petroglyph Might Reveal an Ancient Solar Eclipse

In 1097, a Pueblo artist may have etched a rare celestial event into the rock for all of posterity

Carthaginian general Hannibal is legendary for bringing tens of thousands of soldiers, cavalrymen, and thousands of horses, mules and African elephants through the Alps during the Second Punic War.

Silver Composition in Coins Confirms the Story of the Rise of Rome

Lead isotopes in Roman coins reveal the defeat of Carthage financed Rome's expansion throughout the Mediterranean

The replica bones and teeth in place

Once Plundered by Thieves, Ancient Cave Reopens with 3-D Replicas of Stolen Fossils

It took multiple attempts—and two broken printers—to get the recreations right

One of the mosaics uncovered in Sainte-Colombe

Archaeologists Discover a "Little Pompeii" in Eastern France

Fires in a Roman neighborhood in Sainte-Colombe helped preserve ancient homes, shops and artifacts

Human Artifacts Found at 46 Ancient Lakes in the Arabian Desert

The finds add to evidence that a wetter "Green Arabia" was an important stop in the migration of early humans

Excavation at Burghead

Dig Uncovers Artifacts From One of "Europe's Lost People"

A archaeological excavation in Burghead Fort has uncovered a longhouse from the Picts, a late Iron Age and early Medieval powerhouse

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