Ancient Rome

Construction workers at the site of the new Metro C subway line in Rome

Ancient Golden Glass Unearthed During Roman Subway Construction

The artifact depicts Roma, the goddess who personifies the city of Rome

Instead of transitioning between Latin and English, spoken Latin keeps the cognition all in one language.

Spoken Latin Is Making a Comeback

Proponents of the teaching method argue that it encourages engagement with the language and the ancient past

Construction workers in Rome were surprised when they discovered an ancient marble statue.

Ancient Statue of Emperor Dressed as Hercules Discovered During Roman Sewer Repairs

The life-size statue was likely buried along the Appian Way in the early 20th century

An intact Roman dodecahedron at the Gallo-Roman Museum

Metal Detectorist Finds Mysterious Roman Object Possibly Used for Magic

Patrick Schuermans discovered a fragment of a 1,600-year-old dodecahedron in Belgium

The courtyard of the House of the Vettii in Pompeii

See the Lavish Pompeii Home Owned by Two Men Freed From Slavery

After two decades, the newly restored House of the Vettii is officially open to visitors

The Pantheon's dome, the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world, is still standing despite being nearly 2,000 years old.

'Self-Healing' Concrete May Have Preserved Ancient Roman Structures

The durable material could fill its own cracks, new research suggests

Archaeological artifacts as well as bone fragments up to 5,000 years old were discovered at two Spanish homes.

Police Discover Hundreds of Stolen Artifacts at Two Spanish Residences

The collection includes bones, Paleolithic tools, an ancient Roman loom and more

A mosaic decorates a floor in the Baths of Diocletian.

Where to Find Ruins of the Roman Empire’s Last Years

A visit to Ravenna and Rome can take you back to the fifth century, when everything seemed to be in chaos


The Misunderstood Roman Empress Who Willed Her Way to the Top

A fresh view of Galla Placidia, who married a barbarian and ruled when the world power fell into chaos

Archaeologists found fruit, nuts and other snacks in the sewers beneath the Colosseum.

Archaeologists Find 1,900-Year-Old Snacks in Sewers Beneath the Colosseum

Spectators at Rome’s ancient amphitheater enjoyed olives, figs, nuts and more

Modern imaging technology suggests a collection of Roman coins discovered in 1713 may be authentic.

Roman Coins, Long Considered Forgeries, May Be Authentic After All

Using modern imaging technology, researchers argue that the coins were once in circulation

The newly unearthed odeon in Crete

Archaeologists Unearth 2,000-Year-Old Odeon in Crete

The dig at the remote site is the first in more than 50 years

If Yonatan Adler's theory proves correct, then Judaism is, at best, Christianity’s elder sibling and a younger cousin to the religions of ancient Greece and Rome.

Is Judaism a Younger Religion Than Previously Thought?

A new book by an Israeli archaeologist makes the stunning claim that common Jewish practices emerged only a century or so before Jesus

The thermal baths helped preserve the ancient statues.

Archaeologists Find 24 Bronze Statues, Preserved in Tuscan Spa for 2,300 Years

The discovery provides insight into the transition from Etruscan to Roman rule

Fragments of the Hercules statue (left) and an archaeologist excavating the artwork (right)

Archaeologists in Greece Unearth 'Larger-Than-Life' Statue of Hercules

The team discovered the 2,000-year-old artwork in Philippi

Female Figure

Who Were the Painters of Pompeii?

A new exhibition explores the ancient Roman "pictores," who created beautiful frescoes preserved in ash from Mount Vesuvius' eruption

Left, the Pula Arena is the sixth-largest Roman amphitheater still standing and one of the best preserved. Right, the port in the coastal town of Fažana.

In Istria, Roman Ruins, Unique Wines and Prized Truffles Await

Journey to the coast of Croatia, where you’ll encounter an inviting coastline, ancient mummies and so much more

A fresco in Pompeii possibly depicting Lanassa and Demetrius, circa 50 to 40 B.C.E.

Why Demetrius the Besieger Was One of History's Most Outrageous Kings

The ancient Macedonian monarch specialized in siege warfare, polygamy and sacrilege

A small accent table found in a Pompeii bedroom

Excavations Shed Light on the Everyday Life of Pompeii's Middle Class

An ornate courtyard found in an otherwise humble home may have reflected the owners' aspirational vision of the future

Archaeologists found the ruins last year ahead of planned construction.

Archaeologists Rebury 'First-of-Its-Kind' Roman Villa

The ruins were originally uncovered in Scarborough, England, last year

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