Ancient Civilizations

The Parthenon, said the 19th-century French engineer Auguste Choisy, represents "the supreme effort of genius in pursuit of beauty."

Unlocking Mysteries of the Parthenon

Restoration of the 2,500-year-old temple is yielding new insights into the engineering feats of the golden age's master builders


The Mystery of Tikal

An ancient Mayan city, once hidden by overgrown jungle, evokes a childlike sense of wonder

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu’s Ancient Beauty

The “lost city of the Incas” has captivated visitors with its magnificent setting and detailed stonework


Understanding the Lasting Allure of the Rosetta Stone

An Egyptologist explains the importance of the artifact

Saffron-robed monks enter the Bayon, which stands in the precise center of the King Jayavarman VII's temple city of Angkor Thom.

Jewel of the Jungle

Traveling through Cambodia, our writer details the history and archaeology of Angkor's ancient temples

Julius Caesar, the emperors Augustus and Tiberius and the statesman-philosopher Cicero all had homes in Stabiae.

Ancient Rome's Forgotten Paradise

Stabiae's seaside villas will soon be resurrected in one of the largest archaeological projects in Europe since World War II

Archaeologists have modeled Rome in three dimensions, and users can "fly" through the ancient city's winding streets, broad plazas, forums—even the Coliseum.

Rome Reborn

Archaeologists unveil a 3-D model of the great city circa A.D. 400

One clue that the Buena Vista site was aligned with the seasons comes from a menacing statue (Ojeda is in the background) that faces the winter solstice sunset.

The New World's Oldest Calendar

Research at a 4,200-year-old temple in Peru yields clues to an ancient people who may have clocked the heavens

Lawler, upriver from Alexandria in the Sudan: "The feeling of Alexandria was more evocative of the ancient world than anywhere else."

City of the Imagination

Andrew Lawler, author of "Raising Alexandria" talks about the hidden history of Egypt's fabled seaside capital

Outer slope of the Rano Raraku volcano, the quarry of the Moais with many uncompleted statues.

The Mystery of Easter Island

New findings rekindle old debates about when the first people arrived and why their civilization collapsed


Interview with Elizabeth Wilson, Author of "The Queen Who Would Be King"

Wilson discusses what drew her to study the pharaoh, and Hatshepsut's enduring allure

The Shamans' Gallery, a rock art panel that stretches across 60 feet of sandstone in a side canyon, displays an array of humanlike figures. One expert dates it to 1000 B.C. and believes it embodies the visions of unknown religious seers.

Below the Rim

Humans have roamed the Grand Canyon for more than 8,000 years. But the chasm is only slowly yielding clues to the ancient peoples who lived below the rim


The Aztecs: Blood and Glory

A new exhibition probes the contradictions of an advanced civilization that practiced human sacrifice

Machu Picchu remained unknown to the outside world until the 20th century.

Winter Palace

The first major exhibition devoted to the Incas' fabled cold-weather retreat highlights Machu Picchu's secrets


Rising Sun

Opening this month on Alexandria's Mediterranean waterfront, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina reflects the spirit of its ancient forebear

The legendary Moai statues have fascinated modern civilization since their discovery.

The Secrets of Easter Island

The more we learn about the remote island from archaeologists and researchers, the more intriguing it becomes


On the Frankincense Trail

An archeologist travels ancient trade routes in search of clues to a lost civilization


Tracking a Vanished People Through the Sierra Madre

In 1890, Carl Lumholtz pushed into Mexico, on a search for the ancient culture now known as the Anasazi. Instead, he found the Mogollon


Close Encounters With An Ancient World

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