
British Airways' New Blankets Pick Up On and Display Your Anxiety

The blankets are only in the experimental phase right now, however

Lt. Col. Geoffrey Barnes, Detachment 1 46th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Attack Squadron commander, performs a pre-flight inspection of an MQ-1B Predator unmanned drone aircraft in September 3, 2008.

There Have Been 418 Major Drone Crashes Since 2001, Many of Them in the United States

Even the military is having drone problems

This guy is definitely spending too much time waiting for his flight.

If You've Never Missed a Flight, You're Probably Wasting Your Time

Do you find yourself spending endless hours waiting at the airport? Here's what math says about the perfect time to arrive for your next flight

Amelia Earhart and her plane

Another Amelia Earhart Is Trying to Fly Around the World

Amelia Earhart (no relation to Amelia Earhart) is trying to follow in her namesake's flight path

The Solar Impulse 2 in flight

Can a Plane Fly Around the World on Solar Power Alone?

With a wingspan greater than a 747, but weighing less than most cars, the Solar Impulse 2 will attempt to circumnavigate the planet.

Less Than a Fourth of Jet-Wheel Stowaways Survive—And That's a Generous Estimate

One teen recently survived a jet wheel ride from California to Hawaii

One day we could stop worrying about bumpy flights.

Can New Technology Help Planes Dodge Turbulence?

Airlines are testing new technology that could even warn pilots of "clear air turbulence" in advance

The TSA Isn’t Good at Reading Body Language (And Neither are You)

Nobody can tell you’re freaking out inside. Not even specially trained TSA agents.

When Searching for Crashed Planes at Sea, Binoculars Are the Most Useful Tool

Technologies often fail to produce results, so when it comes to searching for planes lost at sea, the old-fashioned way works best

Visualization of flight paths by NATS

See Every Plane Criss-Crossing Europe in This Weirdly Beautiful Video of Flight Paths

An air traffic control company created this incredible video showing flight patterns around Europe

Where do you want to go? The cargo-hauling Airlander can stay aloft for three weeks.

An Airship The Size of a Football Field Could Revolutionize Travel

A new fuel-efficient airship, capable of carrying up to 50 tons, can stay aloft for weeks and land just about anywhere

Airplane Landing

What's the Most Perfect Moment to Buy That Plane Ticket?

You know that the longer you wait to book a flight, the higher ticket prices climb. But when exactly should you book a flight?

Cancelled Flights

This Winter's Record Number of Plane Cancellations Can't Entirely Be Blamed on Weather

This has been the worst winter for flight cancellations on record

Ballistic Recovery Systems, based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, has outfitted small aircraft with parachutes designed to support as much as 4,000 pounds.

Will Commercial Airplanes Have Parachutes Someday?

Whole-aircraft parachutes are already being used in small planes to save lives, but one company believes they are also feasible for commercial airlines

A university in China sponsored a beauty contest for would-be flight attendants.

China And Qatar Want Flight Attendants To Be Young, Single, Skinny And Female

Just like American airlines did in the 1960s

How Does Mistletoe Grow and Other Questions From Our Readers

Airplanes flying upside down, the earliest music and more answers from our experts


An Airplane Graveyard Becomes a Kids’ Playground

These grounded planes in the Congo have captured the imagination of these children

A screenshot from the game Airport Scanner.

It's Relatively Easy to Spot Water Bottles in Airport Scanners; Guns, Not So Much

Researchers plan to examine whether the same tendencies to overlook uncommon items exist among trained TSA professionals, just as it does gamers


This New Plane Seat Morphs to Make You and Your Seatmate More Comfortable

Shape-shifting seats with adjustable widths promise more choice for passengers, but aren't they really a sneaky way to discriminate?

Look up Tuesday morning and you might see this.

Where to Watch Discovery’s Flyover

The best spots to see space shuttle Discovery's descent to Dulles Airport

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