
North America's Rarest Warbler Comes Off the Endangered List

Habitat restoration and invasive species trapping have helped Kirtland's recover in its central Michigan home

One of the Dinizia excelsa or angelim vermelho trees, which can grow over 80 meters. The tallest, as measured by satellite, towered 88.5 meters above the forest floor.

Researchers Discover the Tallest Known Tree in the Amazon

Satellite images and a trek into the rainforest reveal a group of trees over 80 meters, or about 260 feet, and one as tall as 88.5 meters

World's Largest Privately-Owned Giant Sequoia Grove Is for Sale

And a conservation group needs the public’s help acquiring the property

Fossil Trees Reveal the Oldest Known Forest in Asia

The grove of lycopsid trees is 365 million years old and covers 2.7 million square feet

Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed plants a tree as part of the reforestation project.

Ethiopia Plants 350 Million Trees in 12 Hours—a New Record

The government claims that volunteers at 1,000 sites participated in the coordinated reforestation efforts

The Cooper beech tree during its removal at Sagamore Hill.

A Copper Beech Tree Planted by Theodore Roosevelt Is Being Cut Down

But it will not disappear from Sagamore Hill, the president’s beloved family estate

The Fortingall Yew.

U.K.'s Oldest Tree Is Being Besieged by Tourists

Visitors to the Fortingall Yew are snapping twigs, stealing needles and tying beads and ribbons to branches, which experts believe may be stressing it out

La Jolla's 'Lorax' Tree Has Fallen

The Monterey cypress believed to have partially inspired Dr. Seuss's 1971 classic enviromental tale toppled last week for unknown reasons

The sequoia tree slab is an invitation to begin thinking about a vast timescale that includes everything from fossils of armored amoebas to the great Tyrannosaurus rex.

A 16-Million-Year-Old Tree Tells a Deep Story of the Passage of Time

To explain the exceedingly long life of the planet, the Smithsonian’s new fossil hall designers began with this arboreal wonder

Bald cypresses along the Black River in North Carolina.

North Carolina Bald Cypresses Are Among the World's Oldest Trees

Some of the trees along the Black River provide a window into climates dating back thousands of years

Max Peintner, "The Unbroken Attraction of Nature," 1970-71,  handcolored by Klaus Littmann in 2018

Curator Will Plant 299 Trees in a Stadium to Make Statement on Climate Change

After the installation closes, the makeshift forest will be relocated to a public space, where it will remain accessible as a 'living forest sculpture'

Climate Change Has Made Droughts More Frequent Since 1900

Tree ring data from various parts of the world shows that greenhouse gas increases have impacted soil moisture for over 100 years

That's some bad news for hay fever sufferers.

Allergy Season Is Getting Longer and Nastier Each Year

An extended and intensified allergy season is one of the most visible effects of climate change

This Is the World's Tallest Tropical Tree

The yellow meranti in Malaysia's Sabah state is 330 feet tall and weighs more than a jetliner

George Washington, (Porthole type) by Rembrandt Peale, c. 1853

George Washington and I Go Way Back—Or So Goes the Tale of My Family's Cane

An heirloom is charged with both sentiment and purely speculative history

New Study Showcases Three-Toed Sloth's Unsung Adaptability

Juvenile members of the so-called "specialized" herbivore species draw on a more diverse diet than previously believed

Your Christmas Tree May Be Turned Into Mouthwash One Day

A new sustainable chemical process can turn pine needles into a chemical feedstock for paint, food sweeteners, mouthwash and other products

By regrowing trees from stumps, farms can produce sustainable, pesticide-free pine trees.

Stump-Grown Christmas Trees Are the Gift That Keeps on Giving

Using the sustainable and ancient method of coppicing, evergreen Christmas trees can be regrown indefinitely

Seven Places Reinventing the Christmas Tree

From rocket gardens to tumbleweeds, here are some of the most imaginative holiday trees in the United States's Chief Digital Officer Shares His Favorite Books of the Year

Our own William Allman describes the 2018 titles he found to be the most enjoyable and eye-opening reads

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