Why Is Antarctic Sea Ice at a 35-Year High?

Nobody really knows, but they have some thoughts

SpaceX's Dragon V2 crew capsule was unveiled in May

SpaceX and Boeing Will Be NASA Astronauts’ New Ride Come 2017

Commercial companies could take over as early as 2017

The International Space Station Is Getting Its Own 3-D Printer

Researchers are hoping their 3-D printer will work in microgravity

An artist's interpretation of a mission to an Asteroid

Contribute to an Asteroid Time Capsule

NASA wants to know what your predictions are for the future of Solar System exploration

An artist's concept of the SLS heavy-lift rocket

Meet the Newly Approved Rocket That Will Take People To Mars

The approval of the Space Launch System is an important step for NASA

Help NASA Out by Looking at Beautiful Pictures of Space

NASA wants your help identifying astronauts' photos of the earth

Imagine Living on Mars In One of These Structures

You could call an acropolis, pyramid or beehive home

The LDSD being lifted into the air by balloon during a test on June 28, 2014

Watch Video From NASA’s "Flying Saucer" Test

The LDSD test on June 28 went well, and more tests are expected to run next year

There's No Laundry in Space, So NASA is Trying to Make Clothes That Don't Get Smelly

Astronauts got a shipment of fresh, hopefully odor-resistant gym clothes

The Pixar version of ISEE-3 would have more dramatic eyes.

It's a Sad Day for ISEE-3, As the Bid to Save the Long-Lost Satellite Fails

We can't help but feel bad for the little lonely satellite

See Exactly Where Air Quality in America Has Gotten Better

New maps from NASA show where air quality has gotten better over time

This Rover Drives Under Ice And Could Explore Extraterrestrial Oceans

By driving on the underside of ice, this device can explore difficult-to-access waters on Earth, and possibly beyond.

Inflatable modules, shown here on the International Space Station, could change the way we're able to explore space.

These Inflatable Modules Could Change Space Exploration

The International Space Station’s upcoming non-rigid BEAM module may be the key to making the future of space more roomy and affordable.

Introverts In Demand for Mars Missions

People who need lots of social stimulation might not be the best fit for long-term missions

We'll Test Our New "Flying Saucer" One Day Soon, NASA Promises

June 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14 were all potential launch dates, but each time weather conditions precluded the test

The Universe Is Beautiful in This New Hubble Image

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field Image 2014 is stunning

You Can Now Get High-Speed Internet on the Moon

Last fall NASA and MIT researchers demonstrated a new laser-based long-distance data transmission system

NASA’s Rodent Habitat module with both access doors open.

NASA's Lab Rats Get New Homes

The latest innovation in spaceflight: new rodent enclosures

Rachel Pike,11th Grade- 1st Place

NASA’s Art Contest Reveals How Kids See the Future

NASA’s Langley Research Center asked students from Virginia to participate in an art contest

Mae Jemison: First African American Woman in Space / Founder and President of Two Medical Technology Companies

2014 "Future Is Here" Featured Speaker

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