The Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope Has Been In Space for 25 Years, Here's What it Has Seen

The telescope has sent back some real beauties

Extreme Makeover: ISS Edition

How to give the International Space Station a little bit more room

Mercury's Munch crater, as viewed by the MESSENGER probe.

The Messenger Probe Will Soon Crash Into Mercury

As NASA's probe runs out of propellant, it will crash into the planet’s surface at 8,750 MPH

Rover May Have Found a Water Source for Humans on Mars

Data collected from the Curiosity rover suggests liquid water could be harvested from Martian soil

Could NASA Stop on the Moon on the Way to Mars?

NASA's chief of human exploration thinks we'll need a pit stop en route to the fiery planet

NASA’s Twin Study May Never Be Published

Privacy concerns could stymie NASA’s study of Scott and Mark Kelly

The Asteroid Redirect Vehicle gets ready to push off from the asteroid after grabbing a boulder in this artist’s interpretation

An Asteroid Boulder Will Be A Stepping Stone on the Journey to Mars

NASA announces details in its plan to capture an asteroid and bring it into lunar orbit

An artist's rendition of Pluto's surface.

Make Your Mark on Pluto by Helping Name Its Features

The New Horizons team is asking the public for help labeling the maps of Pluto and one of its moons

Here’s What The Solar Eclipse Looked Like From Space

As they orbited the earth, a satellite and an astronaut captured another side of the sun's disappearing act

The first US spacewalk had astronaut Edward White use a compressed gas "zip gun" for maneuvers

'The Stars and Sun Are Everywhere’: 50 Years of Spacewalks

Today marks five decades since cosmonaut Alexey Leonov became the first human to walk in space

There’s an Invader in the International Space Station

An Invader mosaic has found its way to space

This is How Earth Welcomed Back Soyuz

Not a bad re-entry after months on the International Space Station

Artist’s conception of Dawn entering orbit around Ceres

Dawn Has Arrived at Ceres

Downlink connection confirms that the spacecraft is in orbit around the dwarf planet

NASA’s Next Space Robot Was Inspired by a Baby’s Toy

Meet the Super Ball Bot, a flexible robot that could explore new planets

NASA's Curiosity rover caught this image of its drill just days before a short circuit caused it to shut down.

Mars Rover Is Out of Commission (For Now)

Short circuit halts Curiosity in its tracks

Impatient Scientists Used Paint-By-Numbers Technique to Create the First Image From Mars

Scientists used raw data to create their first image of the red planet

See the Winter of Our Discontent…From Space

NASA photo of the eastern United States confirms it’s really, really cold out there

Private Space Investments Will Reach $10 Billion This Year

Make way for money—investors are bullish on space

The unmanned Falcon 9 rocket propelled critical supplies to the International Space Station.

What the SpaceX Rocket Crash Really Looked Like

New images show Falcon 9’s dramatic crash landing

Space Fence, a radar system sponsored by the U.S. Air Force and built by Lockheed Martin, should help the U.S. detect and track more of the estimated 500,000 pieces of space debris.

U.S. Air Force Builds New Radar for Space Junk

It’s called Space Fence and should help us track the estimated 500,000 pieces of debris that orbit Earth

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