
To make Tumor Paint, Jim Olson's team extracts molecules from the deathstalker scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus).

How Scorpion Venom Is Helping Doctors Treat Cancer

When injected into the body, Tumor Paint lights up cancers. The drug could lead to a new class of therapeutics

A new study investigates booze in bars.

Loud Sounds Can Make Your Drink Seem Stronger

The scientific reason that clubbing and cocktails go hand in hand—but shouldn't always

"Hey guys this sugar is great, but where can we find some morphine?"

Addict Ants Show That Insects Can Get Hooked on Drugs, Too

How researchers got a non-mammal hooked on drugs for the first time

Blind People Can Use Visual Areas of the Brain to Solve Math Problems

The brain is a highly adaptable organ

Diesel fumes, like the ones emitted by trains, vehicles and industrial operations, are thought to be to blame for magnetite in the human brain.

Your Brain Is Full of Magnetic Minerals, and You Might Not Like the Reason Why

Blame air pollution for the microscopic minerals that go up your nose and into your noggin

The only one who really understands me.

Dogs Know When You're Praising Them. That Doesn't Mean They Understand Human Speech

A dose of caution with the results of an intriguing new study

The device can scan the brain while a person walks.

This Helmet Shows What's Going On Inside a Person's Brain

Researchers say it could help detect Alzheimer's and even explain why some people have exceptional talents

A "neural dust" sensor

Tiny "Neural Dust" Sensors Could One Day Control Prostheses or Treat Disease

These devices could last inside the human body indefinitely, monitoring and controlling nerve and muscle impulses

Could This Painless Brain Stimulation Help Treat Depression and Alzheimer's?

UNC researchers have shown that transcranial alternating current stimulation can help improve memory

Not always your friend.

A Neuroscientist Tells You What’s Wrong With Your Brain

Dean Burnett’s new book, Idiot Brain, explains why your mind evolved to thwart you

New Brain Map Doubles Number of Known Regions

Neurologists have found 97 new areas in the brain and expect to add even more

A burn patient uses VR.

Instead of Painkillers, Some Doctors Are Prescribing Virtual Reality

Virtual reality therapy may be medicine's newest frontier, as VR devices become better and cheaper

Researchers show a mouse an image of cat while recording neuron activity in its visual cortex

Mice Watching "Touch of Evil" Teach Scientists About the Mind's Eye

By tracking mice neurons, scientists hope to understand consciousness

Ducks: We rule the world.

Defying Stereotypes, Ducklings Are as Clever as They Are Cute

Newborn ducks understand abstract concepts such as sameness and difference with no training whatsoever

fMRI changed the way researchers look at the human brain.

New Study Calls the Reliability of Brain Scan Research Into Question

Three million analyses point to a problem with fMRI brain activity studies

Are these cylinders round or square?

Check Out the Best Illusions of 2016

Baffle your brain with these contest-winning mind-benders

What Happens in the Brain When Music Causes Chills?

The brains of people who get chills when the right song comes on are wired differently than others

This Tropical Fish Can Be Taught to Recognize Human Faces

New study trained fish to spit at human faces

Using Virtual Reality To Walk in the Shoes of Someone With Alzheimer's

A British nonprofit has launched an app that simulates life with the neurodegenerative disease

Poverty doesn't just affect a child's chances for the future—it appears to change poor kids' very DNA.

Poverty Linked to DNA Changes That Could Lead to Mental Illness

Could a better understanding of the biomarkers of lower socieconomic status help raise kids out of poverty?

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