
Wreck of the AE1

After Mysteriously Disappearing in WWI, Australia's First Submarine Finally Found

The craft disappeared during in heavy haze early in the war

The dino print, before it was smashed

Vandals Shatter 115-Million-Year Old Dino Track in Australia

Believed to be from a rare polar dinosaur, the damage was discovered by a school class visiting Bunurong Marine National Park

Millions of Migrating Red Crabs Are Coming to Google Street View

The crustaceans are making their brief annual appearance on Australia's Christmas Island

Wakaleo schouteni

New Species of Extinct Marsupial Lion Deepens Their Fierce Family Tree

The dog-sized animal adds more diversity to the history of Australia's largest predator

Members of parliament react to the passage of the Marriage Amendment Bill, from left to right, Cathy McGowan, Adam Brandt and Andrew Wilkie.

Australia Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in Jubilant Vote

The first same-sex weddings will be able to take place as early as January 9

Conservationists Give New Life to 350-Year-Old Map of Australia

Created in 1663, the map reflects early knowledge of a mysterious continent

Crested pigeons make an awful racket when they take off—but where's it coming from?

Australian Pigeons Have a Specially Evolved Feather to Better Annoy the Heck Out of You With

Pinpointing the birds’ noisemakers could help researchers better understand why urban avians make so much dang noise

Australia Will Ban Climbing Uluru, a Sacred Indigenous Site, in 2019

The long-awaited move honors Anangu beliefs, which hold that ancestral beings reside inside the rock

"Endangered, you say?"

Five Fascinating Facts About the Amazing Cassowary

They may look pretty scary, but they’re actually pretty cool

A close-up of the stems and optical fibers used to illuminate Field of Light

Stunning 'Field of Light' Surrounds Iconic Australian Rock

As the Sun sets at Uluru, a landscape of lit glass flowers awakens

An apricot seed and the kernels found within them

Man Poisons Himself by Taking Apricot Kernels to Treat Cancer

Many believe these seeds can fight cancer, but there's no scientific evidence to back up the claim

Kangaroo herds dominate Australians ecosystem today, outcompeting other organisms

To Save Australia's Ecosystem, Ecologists Say Eat Kangaroos

With a soaring population, the iconic marsupials are overwhelming other species and may soon run out of food

Australian Zoo Asks For Help Naming Rare White Koala

Among the suggestions thus far are “Tofu” and “Daenerys”

The rocky terrain of northern Australia's Arnhem Land contains many examples of Aboriginal artwork

Aboriginal Rangers Uncover Trove of Rock Art in Northern Australia

Hundreds of examples of art dating back centuries were found by rangers while they were conducting burn offs

Aurora Australis seen over Lake Dunstan, New Zealand.

The Best Places to See the Southern Lights

The aurora australis is the southern cousin to the northern lights

Axe head and grindstone found at Madjedbebe

Humans May Have Ventured Into Australia 20,000 Years Earlier Than Thought

High-tech dating of sediments at an Australian rock shelter offers insights into ancient human migration

A carving of a wallaby, representing the Rainbow Serpent.

A Guided Tour of Australia's Blue Mountains Follows Ancient Aboriginal Songlines

Yanna Muru’s walkabouts to sacred sites teach visitors about Darug culture

Discover Ancient Rock Art in Australia's Northern Territory

These ancient canvases represent some of the oldest historical records of any group of people in the world


10 Must-Do Experiences in Australia’s Northern Territory

From massive crocodiles, to waterfalls and ancient Aboriginal art, the Top End offers something for every traveler


Discover Australia's Top End: A Five-Day Itinerary

From massive crocodiles, to waterfalls and ancient Aboriginal art, the Top End offers something for every traveler

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