Museum FAQs

When is Museum Day?
Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2022.

How do I register my museum?
Museum registration is easy! Registration will open on June 1, 2022. Click here to register your museum.

If my museum has previously participated do I have to register again for this year?
Yes. All museums and cultural institutions, new and previously participating, must register or renew their museum's profile. Click here to register your museum.

Is there a cost to participate in Museum Day?
No! Participation is free.

Will my museum be reimbursed for free admission?
No, but there are numerous benefits that come from Museum Day promotion and press.

Does everyone get free admission?
Guests must present an official Museum Day ticket for free entry. This ticket provides general admission for ticket holder plus one guest (not valid for special exhibits, parking, IMAX film screening or any other offer). Ticket is only valid on Museum Day, September 17, 2022. If a museum reaches capacity, the museum has the right to limit guests until space becomes available. Museums have the right to limit the number of tickets to their venue.

How do guests get their ticket?
Tickets will be available to download beginning at midnight on Monday, August 15, 2022. At that time, a link to "Get a Ticket" will appear on the top menu bar (this is currently listed as "Find a Museum"). Guests will use the interactive search features to find the museum they want to visit. To begin downloading, guests should click "Get a Ticket" next to the museum name or within each museum profile, enter their name and email address. They will be able to download the ticket immediately and will also receive an email from [email protected] with a link to their ticket.

Are museums allowed to do their own promotions?
Absolutely! In addition to Smithsonian's promotion, we encourage museums to help get the word out about their participation. In mid-March, participating museums will receive promotional materials by mail to help generate buzz. Materials will include a countercard, sample ticket, press release template, and an order form for 5,000 Smithsonian magazine subscriber names and mailing addresses.

Continue to check the Materials tab for logos and other event resources.

Can Museum Day help me to promote events at my museum?
Yes, send press releases and updates to [email protected]. We love sharing this information with our Facebook and Twitter audience. Include #MuseumDay and/or @MuseumDay so that we know to repost!

Can my museum advertise with your magazine?
Yes. E-mail [email protected] for more information.


General Inquiries
[email protected]