June/July 2017

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the roadies walk away from the last B-24J left flying

Warbirds Road Show

Across the country, a skeleton crew and army of volunteers bring the stories of World War II to all generations.

Combat photographers

Shooting War

Photographs made by Air Force cameramen created a visual record of the war in Vietnam

From Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport

I Love My Job, and Here’s How I Got It

Tyler Stargardt, First Officer, Endeavor Air

The Normandy beaches

Mac and Me

How I became friends with a U.S. Army Air Forces pilot who died during World War II.

Two thumbs up: Jeff Skiles

A Young Eagles Flight Is Just the First Step

EAA has a flight plan for you, and it could save you $10,000.

At Pennsylvania’s NASTAR Center

Space Tourists Like Us

‘We will now determine your G-force threshold…’

Elliot Seguin makes a late-night visit


It seemed like a good idea at the time.

That Neptune-size phantom

Is the Phantom Planet Real?

The race is on to detect a giant on the other side of Neptune, and you could be the one to find it.

A Republic Seabee

The Seabee Keepers

With a devoted international following, an exceptional amphibian still creates buzz.



Whiz’s Choppers Finally Take Off

Augusto Cicaré’s rotorcraft finally take off.


Giant Drone Racing, Swooping Get More Legit

See the swoopers compete for their first FAI title in August.


Carla J. Dove

A forensic ornithologist helps investigate bird strikes.

Above & Beyond

Learning to Fly Was the Easy Part

Learning to fly was the easy part. Try buying an airplane.

Flights & Fancy

Lobster Tale

Crustaceans don’t do well in turbulence.

In the Museum

The Spacecraft on Wheels

Before it went to the moon, this spacecraft on wheels had to be put through its paces on Earth.

Author Q&As

When Space Gets Weird

Amazing Stories of the Space Age