January 2001

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Memories of Kosovo

A helicopter pilot recalls his peacekeeping tour of duty over one of the world's most strife-torn regions.

Beat Up and Beautiful

In praise of the well-worn airplane.

Test Drivers

Behind the glamour boys in X-planes is an entire profession making sure your Cessna has its wings on straight.

How to Get Along in Space

NASA has started a new training program to help space station residents fight off cabin fever.

Commentary: Why Airline Crashes Aren't Criminal

Airline accidents are usually the results of tragic mistakes, and prosecuting those responsible doesn't benefit anyone.

Soaring on Silk

Dixon White teaches students how to use parachutes to go up as well as down.


Hang a Right at Jupiter

For space navigators, the best course to a distant object is never a straight line.

Home Grown

Once swallowed whole by TWA, local Missouri favorite Ozark Air Lines flies again.


The Christmas Bombing

In December 1972, B-52 bombers that North Vietnamese missile crews had been waiting for came to Hanoi. Night after night. Over virtually the same track.



Viewport: The Rest of the Iceberg

Viewport: The Rest of the Iceberg

In the Museum

In the Museum: The Japanese Connection

In the Museum: The Japanese Connection

Above & Beyond

Above & Beyond: "Aw, Hell, Television Is Here"

Above & Beyond: "Aw, Hell, Television Is Here"


Flights & Fancy: The Light Brigade

Flights & Fancy: The Light Brigade

Moments and Milestones

Moments and Milestones: And They're Off!

Moments & Milestones: And They're Off!