January 2000

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Fifteen Feet and Closing

At formation flying school, invading your neighbor's space becomes an art form.



How to build the first extraterrestrial airplane.

The Late Show

Where to go when you want to see stars—and planets, nebulas, galaxies...

The NeXt Generation

What to expect from the latests flock of X-planes.

Gear Heads

Collectors of survival equipment have a craving for flight helmets, life vests, ejection seats—even shark repellant.

NASA's Art Rides the Rails

A rolling exhibit brings space exploration to small-town America.

The Coldest Warriors

Tales from the corridors of an agency so secret that officially it didn't exist.

A Flight Along America's Highway

One man’s mid-century portrait of the United States—from 1,500 feet.



Viewport: The Urge to Tinker

Viewport: The Urge to Tinker

In the Museum

In the Museum: The Mystery of the MiG

In the Museum: The Mystery of the MiG

Above & Beyond

Above & Beyond: The Undertakers

Above & Beyond: The Undertakers


Flights & Fancy: The Last Laugh

Flights & Fancy: The Last Laugh


Collections: The Riches of East Fortune

Collections: The Riches of East Fortune