Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art

756 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL 60642 - United States





Founded in 1991, Intuit is a premier museum of outsider and self-taught art, defined as work created by artists who faced marginalization, overcame personal odds to make their artwork, or who did not, or sometimes could not, follow a traditional path of art making, often using materials at hand to realize their artistic vision. By presenting a diversity of artistic voices, Intuit builds a bridge from art to audiences. The museum’s mission is grounded in the ethos that powerful art can be found in unexpected places and made by unexpected creators.


"Roman Villarreal: South Chicago Legacies" — A self-taught sculptor and painter from South Chicago, Roman Villarreal captures the spirit of his neighborhood in his art, reflecting the people, places and life experiences of his community. The artist’s first major retrospective, this exhibition spans decades of his artistic practice, featuring works from the 1970s to the present day.

"Recent Acquisitions" — This exhibition celebrates the works of art acquired by Intuit for its collection between 2017 and 2022, featuring works by William Hawkins, George Widener, Scottie Wilson, Madge Gill and Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, among others.

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