Maysville, Kentucky

An important little town

Maysville, Kentucky
Maysville, Kentucky Wikimedia Commons

An important little town: Maysville, KY, (on the Ohio River)was the first settlement west of the Alleghenies. The wide mouth of Limestone Creek provided a perfect harbor for settlers coming down the river from the east on flatboats. Simon Kenton first settled here in 1775. Davy Crocket and Daniel Boone were visitors here and Daniel Boone's cousin had a tavern here. Harriet Beecher Stowe began writing "Uncle Tom's Cabin" while visiting Washington, KY, about 3 miles south. In addition, the last battle of the Revolutionary War was fought at Blue Licks, 20 miles south. The treaty had actually been signed but this far out in the wilderness they had not found out. Layfette also visited here. Rosemary Clooney was born here and her first movie, "The Stars are Singing" premiered here, in our "atmospheric theatre" complete with a parade. We have a marvelous variety of architecture ranging from Venetian to Moorish. Our most important building was damaged by fire last month but is to be fully restored. This town of 10,000 is a great place to live or visit.

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