

Trust and Intimacy


No Place Like Home

Guidebook writer John Thompson discovers a under-appreciated get-away - at the end of his own driveway


Editor at Large

Editor Alexis Doster, gets his pants scared off at summer camp.


The World According to Wells

Best-known for sci-fi classics like The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds, H. G. Wells became one of the most controversial writers of his day


His Heart Was in the Highlands

Robert Burns' fierce pride, penetrating wit and perfect ear for language gave Scotland—and the world—an imperishable legacy of poetry and song

A Guide to Cliches


Log-o-phil-ia Is Addictive

WARNING: Words fill Anu Garg's dreams, and waking hours too. He shares his favorites on the Web with thousands


Hide the Catalogs

Andrew Carroll

Andrew Carroll: Man of Letters

From poetry to war correspondence, this 31-year-old has been spreading words with a missionary's zeal

Alfred Sisley - Street of Marlotte (1866)

An American in Bourron-Marlotte

When they moved here in 1976, the author and his wife thought they knew all about the French. How wrong they were


The Amazing Author of Oz

Evergreen at 100 years old, L. Frank Baum's fable of Dorothy and the wonderful wizard keeps his memory alive with movie fans and readers the world over

Saturn, a restored 1906 fly-boat

Afloat with Fly Boats and Leggers

Enthusiasts are rediscovering the vast system of narrow canals that connects England's byways and backways


Who's a Yuppie Twit?


The Hit Parade from Hell


The Man Who Dreamed Up Madeline

A dashing nonconformist himself, Ludwig Bemelmans conferred a winning waywardness on his headstrong heroine


Jack London Followed his Muse into the Wild


Signs of the Times

Autographs of luminaries —from Lincoln to Liberace —feed the yen for nostalgia and a brush with fame


The Man Who Believed in Fairies

For Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, the proof was in the pictures


Daughters of Donegal

When the author took his girls to the land his parents left, they were happy to see how much they had in common with their kin


It's Great To See Old Classmates-If You Can Recognize Them

It's great to see old classmates-if you can recognize them

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