New Research


New Forensics Tool for Catching Elephant Poachers

Good news on the illegal wildlife trade front: a new forensic genetics tool allows scientists to pinpoint where seized illegal ivory originates


No One Knows When You’re Being Sarcastic in Emails

People often think their sarcasm is obvious, while receivers aren't always so quick to get the joke.


Playfulness Increases a Person’s Sexiness, New Research Finds

New research shows that, unlike most animals, many adult humans continue to engage in playful behavior well into their summer and autumn years, and that this fun-loving attitude may help them score big when it comes to the opposite sex.

Longhorn cattle in Houston, Texas.

Why Do Cows Have Spots?

Cows' mottled coats may have evolved to help keep flies away.


Teens Predict Their Own Downward Spirals

For teens, having low expectations about living long, healthy lives turns out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This palm frond fossil dating to the the Eocene period was found in Utah’s Green River Basin.

Ancient Climate Change Meant Antarctica Was Once Covered with Palm Trees

53 million years ago, Antarctica was so warm that palm trees lived along its shores.


Why You Shouldn’t Panic Over The Latest News About Bird Flu

New research reveals that the flu virus has mutated into a novel strain of influenza, which transfers not just from bird to seal, but from seal to seal


We’re Biased By Our Body’s Dominant Side

A new study shows that right-handed and left-handed people make different choices

The Environmental Case Against Cheap Coffee

Bad news for coffee drinkers: It turns out that those cheap coffee pots found in offices are one of the biggest energy hogs in the modern workplace

New Retrofit Can Turn Any Car into A Hybrid

Older Termites Blow Themselves Up to Protect Their Colony

After a lifetime of servitude to the colony, older termites sacrifice the only thing they have left: their lives

Women’s Brains Age Faster than Men’s, Thanks to Stress

Research shows that despite the fact that women live longer on average, their brains age faster. Scientists are pointing to stress as the possible culprit.

Loud Sex Will Get You Eaten By Bats (If You’re a Fly)

Flies now join likes of Romeo and Juliet, and Tristan and Isolde, determined but doomed lovers who would do anything - including die - for love


English Evolving Much More Slowly on the Internet than During the Renaissance

A new study charted how English has changed over the past 500 years, finding it to be more stagnant than ever before

Neanderthal skulls

New Study Suggests Humans, Not Climate, Killed Off Neanderthals

A crowd in Shanghai

China’s Per Capita Carbon Emissions Nearly On Par with Europe’s

China's per capita CO2 emissions have almost caught up with Europe's

400 Years Worth of Water Discovered in Sub-Saharan Namibia


Superheroes’ Most Amazing Power: Getting Kids to Choose Healthy Snacks Over French Fries

Cornell researchers exploit kids' adoration of Batman for the better, using the superhero as an impetus to encourage kids to eat healthy


Oil Spill Finally Confirmed as a Culprit in Dolphin Deaths

A new report spells out that the oil spill, along with a couple other coincidental but unfortunate circumstances, initiated the grissly dolphin deaths


The Bra Is 500 Years Older Than We Thought

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