New Research

Lose Ice in Alaska, See Temperatures Spike By 7°C

This puts the goal of keeping temperature rises below 2°C to shame

Deforestation in Brazil

The Amazon Rainforest Disappeared Way More Quickly This Year

Widespread deforestation is even worse than you think

Why Hawaii Cares About a Massive Tsunami That Hit Centuries Ago

About 500 years ago, a 30-foot tsunami caused by a 9.0-magnitude quake in the Aleutian Islands slammed into Hawaii

Like Ants, Small Backpackers Are Adept at Carrying Proportionally Heavier Loads

The weight a person or animal can carry does not increase uniformly with size

Nope nope nope.

You Don’t Even Want to Know About All the Stuff Living on Your Eyeball

Even eyes can't escape the microbiome

Skaftafell National Park

This Glacier in Iceland Is Fighting to Stay Alive

The Falljökull glacier has cut off its lower reaches but the upper portion is advancing once again

Plants Can Sense When Insects Are Eating Them

Plants can sense munching vibrations that insects make, and respond accordingly with heightened defenses

This man's spine wasn't cut by a knife, but rather is degenerating from arthritis.

Nose Cells Transplanted to a Paralyzed Man’s Spine Let Him Walk Once Again

Specialized cells from the nose can promote the regeneration of nerve cells

Prozac Doesn't Make Birds Happy

Birds on Prozac lose their appetite and libido

A pair of fuzzy alpaca.

Why the Alpaca Has No Humps

The camel cousin evolved fluff instead of fat because it was able to linger in an evolutionary slow lane, suggest newly sequenced genomes

An artist's impression of an antiarch mating scene.

A Very Ancient Group of Jawed Fish Were Having Surprisingly Intimate Intercourse

Many fish later ditched this clumsy method in favor of external fertilization


The Milky Way is Stealing Other Galaxies’ Gases

Little dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way are missing their hydrogen

Arts Degrees: Not Entirely Worthless

Recent graduates of arts degrees report high job satisfaction and employment numbers

Your Microbes Get Jet Lagged, Too

When bacteria's circadian rhythm is disrupted, they become worse at their jobs

Wind Power is Actually Cheaper Than Coal, Nuclear and Gas

Once you consider the downstream consequences, coal becomes a lot more expensive

This Google Glass Owner Only Took His Device Off to Sleep And Shower

And when he checked into rehab, he couldn't stop touching his right temple

“Arming the Rebels” Has Pretty Much Never Worked

Guns and training, but no on-the-ground support, doesn't amount to much

An Australian banded stilt in Victoria.

These Extreme Desert Nomads Set Records for Migrating Birds

Australian banded stilts use mysterious cues to know when to head toward ephemeral lakes in the country’s otherwise dry interior

Zooplankton and Krill "Pee" Helps Determine Ocean Chemistry

Tiny marine life's expelled ammonia fuels important chemical reactions

Giant Icebergs Used to Ram Up Against Florida

21,000 years ago, icebergs carved up the ocean floor off the Miami coast

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