
A Deadly Fungus Is Wiping Out Frogs and Toads—But Some Can Develop Resistance

Scientists hope it might be possible to develop a vaccine to the fungus, based on the frog and toad's immunity


Watch the Unnerving Gait of This 410 Million-Year-Old Arachnid

Working from well-preserved fossils, paleontologists reproduced the trigonotarbids' walk

Finger coral's fatness and indiscretion when it comes to algal partners gives it an edge in warming waters.

Fat Corals Fare Best As Climate Changes

Corals with significant energy reserves that welcome all types of symbiotic algae species won’t easily die if hit with multiple bleaching events

Is this the face of a cold-blooded man-eater?

14 Fun Facts About Piranhas

They're not cute and cuddly, but they may be misunderstood, and scientists are rewriting the fish’s fearsome stereotype

A group of Chilean devil rays basking in shallow waters around an underwater mountain near the Azores.

Chilean Devil Rays Found to Be Among the Deepest-Diving Animals in the Ocean

The surface-dwelling marine creatures regularly dive more than one mile deep, scientists find

UNESCO Just Announced the 1000th World Heritage Site

Botswana's lush Okavango Delta claims the slot

Great Spotted Cuckoo

Cuckoos Don't Sneak Into Other Birds' Nests—They Barge Right In

Cuckoos don't just make other bird's raise their young, they lay their eggs while the other bird is in the nest

Harry Rossoll, who drew a popular "Smokey Says" newspaper cartoon in the mid-1940s, modeled his sketches after the campaign hat he wore as a member of the United States Forest Service.

Before Pharrell, Smokey Bear Donned This Now-Trendy Hat As a Symbol of Fire Safety

This is the story of Smokey Bear's hat, and how it was lost—twice—before finally joining the collections at the Smithsonian

Do Animals Have Rhythm?

If they did, who could ask for anything more?

Imperiled survivors: A herd migrates across Chad, once home to tens of thousands of elephants. After a surge in poaching, only about 1,000 remain.

The Race to Stop Africa’s Elephant Poachers

The recent capture of a notorious poacher has given hope to officials in Chad battling to save the African elephant from extinction

Some Chimps Are Putting Grass in Their Ears For No Particular Reason

Some chimp are creating their own "ear accoutrements," perhaps the animal equivalent of a fashion statement.

A serval kitten.

Ten Amazing Small Wild Cats

Forget the lions and tigers, these prowling felines have much more to tell us about the natural world

The NaturePatternMatch software identifies visual features on eggs.

Software Used for Facial Recognition Teases Out Secret Messages Hidden on Bird Eggs

Some bird eggs have visual signatures that help them distinguish they own clutch from impostor cuckoo eggs

Guys: Trying to Attract a Mate by Posing With Captive Tigers Is Not Cool

Some women estimate that up to one in ten men on Tinder have a profile picture featuring a big cat

A fishing spider enjoying a tasty platyfish that it snatched from a garden pond in Australia.

Spiders All Over the World Have a Taste for Fish

Eight-legged predators probably prey on vertebrates much more often than arachnologists previously assumed

There Are Only So Many Ways Animals Can Poison You (Not That That's Reassuring)

They say that knowledge is power, but we're certainly not feeling any safer

"WildLeaks" Is Like WikiLeaks for Poaching—And It's Working to Stop Wildlife Crime

The site has received more than twenty tips so far, including about elephant and tiger poachings

When Fire Ants Build Rafts, There Are No Free Loaders

When fire ants form floating balls, not a single leg or antennae goes to waste

Goats Evicted In Detroit

An attempt at urban farming runs afoul of city ordinances in Detroit

"Get away from me, get away from me!" - an anxious crawfish freaking out.

Crawfish, Like Humans, Are Anxious Worrywarts

As the first invertebrates ever found to demonstrate anxiety, crawfish might help reveal the evolutionary origins of that stressful state of mind

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