The White House Revealed on the Smithsonian Channel

In 1962, viewers the nation over (and later the world) marveled at Jackie Kennedy's tour of the freshly revamped White House in an extensive one-hour televised tour of the executive mansion. But the film, with it's camera trained on First Lady was missing something: all the people who work behind the scenes to make the White House run, from butlers to plumbers to chefs, and everyone in between. The Smithsonian Channel's new program, The White House Revealed, provides an intimate and modern portrait of the most famous home in America by way of its extensive staff. You can watch White House pastry chef Roland Mesnier (who retired after over 40 years in the executive kitchen) as he recalls several past presients' penchants for sweets (for better and for worse.) Tune in to the full program Friday night at 7:00 on the Smithsonian Channel.

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