Please DO Touch the Dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum

This summer an augmented reality exhibit transports visitors back to the Cretaceous period when dinosaurs ruled the land

Digital technology reanimates the late Cretaceous period in the new exhibit, "Augmented Reality Dinosaurs" on view at the Natural History Museum. This immersive experience transports you and your loved ones into a virtual ancient habitat populated by the likes of Tyrannosarus rexTriceratops, and Troodon, allowing you to stroll among the giants and to "pet" them, without the unpleasant risk of becoming a prehistoric snack.

With a little help from motion tracking technology and a dino-sized LED screen, visitors experience the sensation of inhabiting the world as it was 66 million years ago.

"Augmented Reality Dinosaurs" is on view free of charge at the Natural History Museum through September 2, 2014. Upon exiting the exhibit, you can have your picture taken with the dinosaurs and purchase take-home souvenir photographs.

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