

Wild Things: Great Whites, Tree Snakes, Drongos and More

These animals redefine life as we know it

Seldom-seen rulers of their wintry domain, lynx may face new threats.

Tracking the Elusive Lynx

Rare and maddeningly elusive, the "ghost cat" tries to give scientists the slip high in the mountains of Montana

Ferrets raised in captivity are getting a taste of what it takes to go wild.

Survival Training, Ferret Style

Before the captive animals can go free, they have to hone their killer instinct at a conservation center in Colorado


Female Lizard Uses Patches of Color to Announce Mother Potential

Lizard moms wear their egg quality on their sleeves – or at least on their necks


The Shark That Will Give You More Nightmares Than Jaws


Rare Sunda Clouded Leopards Come in Two Varieties


Giant Crayfish Species Found in Tennessee


A Colorful Zebrafish


Male and Female Butterflies Take Turns at Courting


North American Bumblebees on the Decline


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Flamingos, T. rex Tails, Burmese monkeys and more...

These pigs are used for baying, which is how hunters train their dogs to bring the pigs down.

A Plague of Pigs in Texas

Now numbering in the millions, these shockingly destructive and invasive wild hogs wreak havoc across the southern United States


The Elephant Family Tree, Extinct and Extant


Young Female Chimpanzees Make "Dolls" of Sticks

Could the same dryer sheets that keep your towels fresh and static free also repel bugs?

Dryer Sheets as Bug Repellant?

Testing the myth

Long-tailed Macaque

The World's Worst Invasive Mammals

Animals as common as goats, deer, rabbits or mice can have a devastating effect on other wildlife

Polar Bear at Cape Churchill (Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada)

It's Not Too Late to Save the Polar Bear

In 2007, scientists from the USGS said that if humans didn't cut greenhouse gas emissions, two-thirds of the world's polar bears could be gone by 2050


Bird Sets Up Protection Racket to Ensure Meals


Honey Badgers Are Real


Ecocenter: The Future of Our Oceans

From oil spills to overfishing, human exploitation of the seas has drastically affected the oceans' coral reefs and wildlife

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