
These Trees Uncover What Plunged Egypt's Climate Into Chaos

Examining tree rings inside the world's oldest trees reveal a seismic event that took place around 3,500 years ago

Footage of a Tense Aerial Battle During the Falklands War

It's 10 weeks into the Falklands War, and two British Harriers find themselves protecting a damaged ship, the HMS Hermes

This Marine Compares Flying the Harrier to Riding a Dragon

Harrier's unique takeoff style and agility owes a lot to its 47-foot frame and mere 15,000 pounds in weight--almost half the size of modern fighter jets

Ancient Engineering That Kept One of the Driest Cities Wet

The ancient Nabataeans' water storage and irrigation system was a marvel of engineering

Did a Flood Wipe Out the Mysterious Ancient City of Petra?

Why did the ancient Nabataeans desert the city of Petra? The answer lies in traces of white sand found in its rubble, suggesting a massive flood

Footage of the Alarming Moments Before the Everest Avalanche

An earthquake in Nepal fills hikers on Everest with fear. Once the tremors subside, however, a new threat begins to loom on the horizon: an avalanche

Lifting an Unwieldy 75-Ton Hovercraft Out of the Water

When you're crane-lifting a giant hovercraft into a ship's hold, plenty can go wrong

Some Very Compelling Evidence the Tower of Babel Was Real

Biblical scholars have debated whether the Tower of Babel existed. A remarkable stone tablet never before shown on film appears to settle that question

The Sticky Clue That Links the Tower of Babel to the Bible

Evidence is piling up that the Tower of Babel really existed. It's a conclusion that's partially borne out by an astounding discovery

This Couple Filmed the Everest Avalanche Coming at Them

A young couple hiking in a Himalayan valley are caught in the middle of an earthquake that sets off a giant avalanche

Why Jesus's Miracles Seemed Apocalyptic to the Gospel Writers

Jesus gained renown as a preacher of a particularly apocalyptic form of Judaism. This was further strengthened by his ability to perform miracles

Dismantling a Huge Howitzer for a Precarious Move

This 200-ton howitzer artillery gun is too heavy to transport in one piece. The answer is to split it in two

Did Judas Actually Betray Jesus to Force a Rebellion?

There are numerous theories, from money to the intriguing idea that Judas may have actually been an overzealous believer anxious to provoke a confrontation

The Ocean Is Running Out of Fish. Here's the Alarming Math

Based on reporting, the ocean has long appeared to offer an infinite bounty of fish. But research paints a grim picture, with annual catch on a decline

Exploring the Ancient Region Where Jesus Rose to Prominence

The Sea of Galilee contains the lowest freshwater lake in the world, and it's the area where a young Jesus of Nazareth first gained popularity

How to Understand the Three Wise Men, Frankincense & Myrrh

The story of the nativity is actually a blend of both the gospels of Luke and Matthew. They reveal the significance of the gifts carried by the three kings

How 1950s Las Vegas Sold Atomic Bomb Tests as Tourism

Between 1950 and 1960, the population of Las Vegas grew by 161%--partly due to the burgeoning casino industry

Intense Footage of Fake Towns Used for 1950s Nuclear Tests

To test the impact of an atomic blast on populated areas, technicians built entire fake towns, with houses, shops, and even mannequin families

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